Thursday, May 3, 2012

Write Thank You Cards

Send handwritten thank you cards to show people that you appreciate them. This is a time-tested method that sparks magic when it’s sincere & genuine. Rod Weckworth, who I mentioned in the previous lesson recommends sending out at least 5 thank you cards every day.

What should you say?

Here’s how I usually write a thank you card. It is a method I learned from an article titled How to Write a Thank-You Note by Leslie Harpold (who sadly passed away in 2006.)
Her method is simple:
  1. Greet The Person
  2. Express Your Gratitude
  3. Discuss Impact
  4. Mention the Past, Allude to the Future
  5. Say Thank You Again
  6. Sign Off With Grace
This article was researched by: AWU
For the complete article please click the link below.
The source for this article:    

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