Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pinterest For Business

Pinterest—is the perfect channel for businesses to showcase their products. Pinterest allows you to create a visual online bulletin board, organized by topics or categories and featuring images of your products, places or other favorite items.
1. Turn your content into infographics and data charts. This is a user-friendly (and visual) way to showcase information useful to your audience, unique to your industry or business and on point with your expertise.
2. Promote user-generated content with a guest pinner board. Allow visitors to add videos and photos that fit in with your niche. You may also want to consider running a contest for the most interesting, unique, useful, etc., pins on a specific topic. Offer a juicy prize and drive traffic with the competition.
3. Don’t just pin pictures, pin videos. Think segments from speaking engagements, news clips, interviews and YouTube videos that are highly relevant to your Pinterest boards.
4. Use strong visual images with all your blog posts. The more captivating your images, the more likely they will be repinned. Adding an image to every blog post you put up gives you the opportunity to pin it and drive traffic back to your site.
5. Pin cover images of your e-books and traditional books. If you have a series of e-books, or traditional books you have authored, make a board featuring your work. Consider offering a free chapter or download of the entire e-book to add value.

This blog gives you marketing tips you don’t have to pay for and you get valuable info to better your business and personal self-image. Karen Leland is an amazing author and marketing expert.

Source for this article: PPAI Publications and Karen Leland 

Karen Leland is a best-selling author, marketing and branding consultant and president of Sterling Marketing Group, where she helps businesses create killer content and negotiate the wired world of today’s media landscape–social and otherwise.

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